Don't fall for this labeling fad. Sure, most of these new "organic" things are a step up from the regular over-processed food but that still doesn't mean that you should be buying it up. Be cautious and read the labels. More and more I'm seeing these organic soft drinks like organic sparkling flavored water and even the recent announcement that there's going to be an organic Gatorade. (Article here These things will contain just as much sugar and mystery flavorings as their aspartame filled neon counterparts. Remember, almost anything can be labeled organic including the anal glands of beavers used in flavoring ice cream. (Check out the article here
All I'm asking my kind readers is to educate yourselves, read labels, and to remember that just because it says organic, it doesn't mean anything without truth in labeling laws and the integrity of the company behind the product. Instead of trying to stick to a diet scam, commit to a new lifestyle this year. That way when 2017 rolls around you won't have to apologize to your body and your New Years resolution can be to visit Altrusian Grace much more often.
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